Friday, May 30, 2008

Took it- moving news and more!

Well, I took the job at SU, and now the whole world knows. We announced it to the classes today, and it is really gratifying to have everyone say such nice things about me.

In other really exciting news, I met Cheryl Potter of Cherry Tree Hill Yarns at MA Sheep and Wool and she is going to sell some of my yarn under the Ancient Threads Farm name. It feels like things are really taking off. So, I bought myself an electric skeiner and a whole new shipment of base yarn!

We sold quite a bit at MA, so I need to get the etsy shop updated again. Now to take the photos and do the loading of the yarn!

Now to get that done, find an apartment in Syracuse and get some new furniture while trying to clean up my job at Albany- oh the fun never stops!


Anonymous said...

congratulations!!!! I'm not surprised that they want to sell your yarn - it's wonderful - I'm really enjoying the socks I'm knitting with your yarn.

Knitting@number9 said...
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Knitting@number9 said...

I have just received my first shipment of your yarns for my web store in the UK! They are beautiful! You now have an international business :))